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Opportunities and Funding

As a political science major, you have the opportunity to engage in research through internships, study abroad and away programs, or through our Honors Program, including independent work under the direction of a faculty member.


Honors Program

成绩优异的政治科学专业学生可以在大三的春季申请系里的荣誉课程. 参加荣誉课程的学生与教授密切合作,就他们选择的主题撰写论文,并通过展示他们论文的一章并评论其他学生的论文章节来参加荣誉研讨会.

Download Honors Program Guidelines

  • Aaron Dorshow: “法律与权力:中国个人数据保护的未来”(2021)
  • Mahi Taban: “从喀布尔到白沙瓦:普什图妇女的政治化生活和歌词”(2021)
  • Curan VanDerWielen: “Identifying Challenges to Effective Global Climate Governance” (2021)
  • Andrew Vontzalides: 《十大买球平台》, the UK, and Sweden” (2021)
  • José Castillo: 《买球平台》(2019)
  • Padmini Dey: “无证移民的证券化:特朗普时代的话语与技术探索”(2019)
  • Juliet Michaelsen: “Absolutely MAD or Just Plain NUTS? 对抗关系和常规能力如何影响核战略理论”(2019)
  • Brandon Mooney: “What Makes a Man? 中国政治对男子气概认知影响的内容分析”(2019)
  • Maia Nikoladze: 《十大买球平台》(2019)
  • Salma Muna-Faysal Shawa: 国际人权规范:普遍权利还是霸权正义?” (2019)
  • Jessica Macey: 《买球平台》(2018)
  • Katherine Alexander: 《十大买球平台》(2017)
  • Sam Biasi: “Holiday in Syria: Hizbullah’s Rise to Proto-statehood” (2017)
  • Yukio: 《十大买球平台》(2017)
  • Garrett Lynch: 《买球平台》(2016)
  • Kallie McLoughlin: “Is Everybody Doing It? 美国的性教育:五个州的比较”(2016)
  • Katherine Bogen: “Reproductive Rights in Latin America: Authoritarianism, Identity Framing, Religious ‘Morality,’ and Sexual Health in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile since 1970” (2015)
  • Patrick Burchat: “Anti-American Propaganda in Cuba: Stability through Fear” (2015)
  • Kimi Ko: “小乘佛教在缅甸军政府(1992-2011)和登盛总统的民主化政府(2011 -)下的政治意义”(2015)
  • Chelsea Salmonsen: 《十大买球平台》(2013)

Harrington Public Affairs Fellowship

哈林顿公共事务奖学金资助学生进行政治和公共政策方面的暑期研究. 有几个最高2500美元的奖项对政治学专业的学生和至少有3门课程的未成年人开放.25 cumulative GPA.

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  • Morufat Ayoola Bellos ’20: Summer Non-Profit Internship Fellow through Laney Makin, associate director at Forest Foundation, Boxford, Mass.
  • Zoe Brammer ’21: Research assistant in in Washington, D.C., with Jake Sullivan, 卡内基国际和平基金会地缘经济与战略项目高级研究员
  • Valerie Chavez ’21: 在秘鲁大使馆实习,设计和执行数字活动, Washington, D.C.
  • Yasmeen El-Gerbi ’20: Internship in Jim McGovern’s Office, Washington, D.C.
  • Mariela Alicia Esteva ’21: 在多米尼加共和国常驻纽约联合国代表团实习担任特别顾问
  • Priyanka K. Naithani ’21: Internship as a market research, primary care research, and social media correspondent with the Harvard Medical School, Center for Primary Care through the Forest Foundation, Boston
  • Julie Reed ’21: 关于恐怖袭击对移民和移民权利竞选言论影响的研究项目, with research conducted during her study abroad in Paris
  • Miranda Hotham ’19: Internship at the Worcester Division of Public Health
  • David Sullivan ’20: 在马萨诸塞州众议员James Kelcourse的办公室实习
  • Sara Conroy ’20: Internship at the U.S. House of Representatives with Congressman Paul Tonko
  • Tanzeem Lodi ’19: Internship at the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, United Nations
  • Jose Castillo  Montenegro ’19: Internship at the Permanent Mission of Chile, United Nations
  • Maia Nikoladze ’19: Internship at the Permanent Mission of Georgia, United Nations
  • Maha Akbar ’20: Internship at the Permanent Mission of Pakistan, United Nations

Jeremy R. Hastings ’01 Award in Political Science

The Jeremy R. Hastings ’01 Award in Political Science 提供资金支持学生进行独立研究项目或做无薪实习.  实习或研究项目可以在一个学期或整个夏天进行.  Awards range from $500 to $5000.

The application can be found here.

支持夏季或秋季学期实习或项目的奖项申请截止日期为 noon on April 15.

申请应提交给政治科学系管理秘书, Judith Barton at and to your faculty sponsor at their Clark email address.


Zenovia Sochor Memorial Award

Zenovia Sochor纪念奖每年秋天颁发给政治学专业的学生或春季出国留学的未成年人, preferably in an Eastern European country.

Alumni, friends, and colleagues created the award in memory of Professor Zenovia Sochor, 她在买球平台教授比较政治学课程近二十年,直到1998年英年早逝. 学生和同事们都知道她是一位天才学者,一位有价值的朋友和一位关怀的导师. The $500 Sochor award is given to a student each year.

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  • Ana Margarita “Geri” De Ramos
  • Priyanka Naithani
  • Alexander Azar
  • Alexis Marston

June Patron ’65 Endowed Internship Award

这个500美元的奖项由政治科学系每年颁发给在华盛顿获得无薪暑期实习的学生, D.C., or with an organization that interacts with the U.S. government, such as a lobbying group or think tank.

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  • 2019: Benjamin Gessel and Jamie Smith
  • 2018: Joshua Merchat

Fall Fest and Academic Spree Day

一旦你完成了你的研究,练习如何向别人展示它. Held annually, 买球平台10月的秋季节和4月的学术狂欢日庆祝本科生的研究. 许多政治学专业的学生参加了这些活动并展示了他们的研究成果.

Fall Fest 2019

  • Experiences in a Massachusetts Representative’s Office. Deanna D’Innocenzo ’21. (Sponsor: Robin Huntley)
  • 哈林顿公共事务奖学金:新英格兰国际研究所实习. Morufat Bello ’20. (Sponsor: Professor Robert Boatright)
  • 哈林顿公共事务奖学金:秘鲁大使馆新闻部实习. Valeria Chavez ’21. (Sponsor: Professor Robert Boatright)
  • 哈林顿公共事务奖学金:在华盛顿与国会议员吉姆·麦戈文一起暑期实习, D.C. Yasmeen El-Gerbi ’20. (Sponsor: Professor Mark Miller)
  • 哈林顿公共事务研究金:在多米尼加共和国常驻联合国代表团暑期实习. Mariela Esteva ’21. (Sponsor: Professor Robert Boatright)
  • Harrington Public Affairs Fellowship: The Politics of Human Rights. Julie Reed ’20. (Sponsor: Professor Michael Butler)
Contact Information

Department of Political Science

Contact Us
  • Jefferson Academic Center, Third floor, Room 302
    950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7155
  • 1-508-793-8816 FAX